JMP Scripting Language (JSL) Example

Two Input Components Required

The following example JSL script fulfills the above requirements:
/* 1: Open a data set provided by JMP
   2: Create several individual graphs, trying to maintain the same size, and 
      store in C:\temp
   3: Create a "By analysis" and count and save each one.
  // at this point use P3I or continue with the script to automatically create PPT
   4: Create commands for p3icli
   5: Save the text box as a p3icli text file
   6: Run it.
   7: Clean up JMP
//1: Open a data set provided by JMP 
dt = open("$sample_data\");
Column(dt,"Species") << Label(1);

//2: Create several individual graphs, trying to maintain the same size. 
//   Store graphs in C:\temp
pp = dt << Parallel Plot(
    Y( :Sepal length, :Sepal width, :Petal length, :Petal width, :Species ),
        Dispatch( {}, "Parallel Coord", FrameBox, {Frame Size( 419, 246 )} )
dt << select rows([44,78,101]);
dt<< label;
dt<< clear select;

report(pp)[Outline Box(1)] << set title("Parallel Plot - Look for Patterns");
report(pp)[OutlineBox(1)] << save picture("c:\temp\sample_pp.png");

spm = dt << Scatterplot Matrix(
    Y( :Sepal length, :Sepal width, :Petal length, :Petal width ),
    Matrix Format( "Lower Triangular" ),
    Ellipse Color( 3 ),
            "Scatterplot Matrix Options",
            {Frame Size( 62, 56 )}

report(spm)[OutlineBox(1)] << save picture("c:\temp\sample_spm.png");

//oneway for each response
onew = dt << Oneway(
    Y( :Sepal length, :Sepal Width, :Petal Length, :Petal Width ),
    X( :Species ),
    Means and Std Dev( 1 ),
    Box Plots( 1 ),
    Mean Error Bars( 0 ),
    Std Dev Lines(  ),
    X Axis Proportional( 0 ),
    Points Jittered( 1 ),

for(i=1, i <=nitems(onew), i++,
   report(onew[i]) << save picture(Eval Insert("c:\temp\sample_ow^i^.png"));

//at this point there are 6 graphs in c:\temp and you can use p3i to view or...

// commands to create a p3icli script are stored in a list
cmdList = {};
Insert Into( cmdList, "#commands" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "kill ppt save" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "sleep 500" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "copy source format on" );  //keep the background formatting
//you can call up different slides from different templates...just specify
//which slide and the template path
Insert Into( cmdList, "insert slide 1 from template c:\temp\sample_jsl_template.ppt" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "\[title " Iris Data Set Analysis"]\" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "insert slide 3 from template c:\temp\sample_jsl_template.ppt" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "\[title " Iris Data - Correlation Plots"]\" );
Insert Into( cmdList,"pic1 c:\temp\sample_pp.png" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "pic2 c:\temp\sample_spm.png" );

Insert Into( cmdList, "insert slide 2 from template c:\temp\sample_jsl_template.ppt" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "\[title " Iris Data - Oneway Plots"]\"  );

//note 4 pics and 4 graphs...if more than 4 graphs, insert a new template.
for(i=1, i<=nitems(onew), i++,
   Insert Into( cmdList, EvalInsert("pic^i^ c:\temp\sample_ow^i^.png" ) );

Insert Into( cmdList, "sleep 500" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "save as presentation c:\temp\p3icli_jmp_jsl_results.ppt" );
Insert Into( cmdList,"sleep 500" );
Insert Into( cmdList, "kill ppt save" );
// Concatenate commands with \!N line break chars appropriate for the host environment
xtxt = Concat Items(cmdList,"\!N");
Save Text File( "c:\temp\p3icli_script.txt" , xtxt);
//p3icli_script.txt has all the commands above with the proper names.
//JMP 11 includes a command (RunProgram) that runs an executable. Past versions
//of JMP required a .bat file that was executed via the JSL web() command

//RunProgram can be invoked in synchronous or asynchronous mode.  In asynchronous
//mode, JMP scripting continues as soon as the external program is launched.  For
//our purposes, that behavior is unnecessarily complex.  In synchronous mode, JMP
//scripting is suspended until the external program exits (finishes its tasks).
//We want the synchronous behavior.

//To force synchronous behavior, simply add a ReadFunction() argument to
//RunProgram, which forces JMP to continually "listen" for executable output
//and stop listening when the external program completes.
rpobj = RunProgram(Executable("p3icli" ), 
    Options("-l c:\temp\log.txt c:\temp\p3icli_script.txt"),
    ReadFunction("text")          // force synchronous mode

//Clean up  JMP files
pp<<close Window();
spm << close window();
onew<<close window();
close(dt, NoSave);

 * For more information about JSL see: 
 * JSL Companion: Applications of the JMP(R) Scrpting Language 
 * by Utlaut, Theresa L., Georgia Z. Morgan, and Kevin C. Anderson, 2011, 
 * Cary, NC:SAS Institute Inc.
The above JSL script creates six graphics files "on the fly", as well as a text file of P3ICLI commands (stored in p3icli_script.txt). The text file is passed to P3ICLI's command line via the JSL "RunProgram" command, using this syntax (specific to JMP v11 and later):
RunProgram(Executable("p3icli" ), 
    Options("-l c:\temp\log.txt c:\temp\p3icli_script.txt"),
Herewith, the contents of p3icli_script.txt:
kill ppt save
sleep 500
copy source format on
insert slide 1 from template c:\temp\sample_jsl_template.ppt
title " Iris Data Set Analysis"
insert slide 3 from template c:\temp\sample_jsl_template.ppt
title " Iris Data - Correlation Plots"
pic1 c:\temp\sample_pp.png
pic2 c:\temp\sample_spm.png
insert slide 2 from template c:\temp\sample_jsl_template.ppt
title " Iris Data - Oneway Plots"
pic1 c:\temp\sample_ow1.png
pic2 c:\temp\sample_ow2.png
pic3 c:\temp\sample_ow3.png
pic4 c:\temp\sample_ow4.png
sleep 500
save as presentation c:\temp\p3icli_jmp_jsl_results.ppt
sleep 500
kill ppt save

The Final Result

The above p3icli script creates this PowerPoint presentation, which contains three slides.  

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